Giotto’s paintings on the contrary, have not only much power of appealing to tactile imagination as possessed by the objects represented
Our current knowledge of anatomy is greater, who expect more articulation and suppleness in the human figure in short see much less
Wondering into the boundless domain of æsthetics, we must stop this point for a moment to make sure that we are of one mind
All concerns movement Verrocchio was a learner from Pollaiuolo rather than an initiator and he probably never attained
Artists belonged entirely to new era and stand at beginning of Renaissance as two tendencies which were to prevail in Florence throughout the whole of the fifteenth century, partly supplementing
Uccello had a sense of tactile values and a feeling for colour, but in so far as he used these gifts at all, it was to illustrate scientific problems mere occasion for solving problem
Accordingly he composed pictures in which he contrived to get as many lines as possible leading the eye inward. Prostrate horses, dead or dying cavaliers, broken lances, ploughed fields
Noahs are used scarcely an attempt at disguise to serve his scheme of mathematically converging lines. In his zeal he forgot local colour he loved to paint his horses green or pink
Noahs are used scarcely an attempt at disguise to serve his scheme of mathematically converging lines. In his zeal he forgot local colour he loved to paint his horses green or pink