

  • 65%

  • 35%


7.6 mile

  • 10

    Miles Today's Target

4,025 kcal

  • 5000

    kcla Today's Target
Heart Rate

102 BPM

  • 125

    BPM Highest

Activity Chart Weekly

  • Runnig
  • Walking
  • Cycling
Generic placeholder image

Walk - Run Training

Distance (Last Week)

80 KM
56:55 Hrs

Anverage Running Time

Running Routes

Daily Activity

Time Activity Status
5.00 A.M Bricks Walking Done
5.30 A.M Morning Exercise Done
6.30 A.M Yoga Missed
7.00 A.M Gym Done
8.00 A.M Steam Bath Done
9.00 A.M Meditation Missed
8.00 P.M Bricks Walking Delayed
9.00 P.M Exercise Delayed
Health News & Fitness Advice

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.

Card link Another link
Card image

Susan Garrett

  • -2.05 KG

    Body Fat
  • 52 KG

  • -2.1 KG

  • Congratulations to Rob Jones in accounting for winning our #NFL football pool!
  • Contests are a great thing to partner on. Partnerships immediately #DOUBLE the reach.
  • Puns, humor, and quotes are great content on #Twitter. Find some related to your business.
  • Are there #common-sense facts related to your business? Combine them with a great photo.
  • Congratulations to Rob Jones in accounting for winning our #NFL football pool!
  • Contests are a great thing to partner on. Partnerships immediately #DOUBLE the reach.
  • Puns, humor, and quotes are great content on #Twitter. Find some related to your business.
  • Are there #common-sense facts related to your business? Combine them with a great photo.