Default Toastr Alerts

You can use four different alert info, warning, success, and errormessage.

Toastr Alerts positions

You can set position option like (position: 'top-right')in toast-data.js file.

Dismissable Alerts
Yay! Your message has been sent successfully.
Welcome to Kenny Dashboard.
Hi! Lasttwo days left form the trial.
Opps! Somthing went wrong.
Dismissable Alerts
Yay! Your message has been sent successfully.
Welcome to Kenny Dashboard.
Hi! Lasttwo days left form the trial.
Opps! Somthing went wrong.
Dismissable Alerts with icon
Yay! Your message has been sent successfully.
Welcome to Kenny Dashboard.
Hi! Lasttwo days left form the trial.
Opps! Somthing went wrong.