Context Buttons

Bootrap context buttons

Gradient Buttons

Bootrap context buttons with gradient.

Round Buttons

applies .btn-roundedto make round style

Float Buttons

applies .btn-floatto make float style

Outline Buttons

applies .btn-outlineto make ouline style

Rounded Outline Buttons

applies .btn-outline& .btn-roundedto make round ouline style

Buttons Sizes

applies .btn-lg,.btn-smand .btn-xsto resize the button

Buttons Width

applies .btn-w-xl,.btn-w-lg,.btn-w-mdand .btn-w-smto customize button width.

Buttons Block

applies .btn-blockto make button full width

Buttons Group


Icon Buttons

Use btn-iconto create a icon button.

Use btn-outlineto create a outline style.

applies .btn-roundedto make round style

applies .btn-floatto make float style

applies .btn-outline&.btn-roundedto make round ouline style

Social Buttons

Use btn-iconto create a icon button.

Use btn-outlineto create a outline style.

applies .btn-roundedto make round style

applies .btn-floatto make float style

applies .btn-outline&.btn-roundedto make round ouline style