22 Dec
The AR Drone Electric Remote Control Helicopter With An On-Board Video Camera - Fun For All Ages

I wanted to let you know about an awesome electric remote control helicopter that is sure to bring a ton of fun for the whole family! See why this product is so unique and different from all other RC toy helicopters, and where to get one on sale and in time for the holidays.

The AR.Drone is an electric RC helicopter equipped with two built-in video cameras and you actually fly it using your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad, allowing you to watch the live video feeds coming straight from the helicopter itself. Yes... totally cool!

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Comments (3)

Jordan Foster United Kingdom,15th December, 2018

"Easy to fly, looks great coming out of the box, packaged wonderfully. Completely makes this a no-brainer if you are looking for a quality drone!"

Katrina Mcgee United Kingdom,15th December, 2018

"I absolutely love it. I've been talking about one these sense they first came out and now I finally have my own,I'm overjoyed with it."

Dennis Bryan United Kingdom,15th December, 2018

Quick service, quick delivery, easy to contact - what more can you ask for from a retailer Rey is always helpful - would buy again!

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