Textual form controls—like inputs,selects,and textareas—are styled with the .form-control
class. Included are styles for general appearance,focus state,sizing,and more.
Set heights using classes like .form-control-lg,custom-select-lg
and .form-control-sm,custom-select-sm
Set different styles of input using .filled-input,.outline-input
and .transparent-input
modifier classes.
Change the look using shape modifier classes. Add .square-input
and .rounded-input
Help text below inputs can be styled with .form-text
. Inline help text can be implemented using utility classes like .text-muted
A custom file browser with change and remove function.
For further styling,use required contextual classes like .checkbox-success
Create easily-styleable toggle buttons with a lightweight toggle jQuery plugin.
A comfortable,responsive and easily customizable range slider with plenty options.
For smaller size range,use data-extra-classes="irs-sm"
Use contextual classes inside data-extra-classes - like .irs-orange,.irs-info
to change the colors.
Custom select menus need only a custom class,.form-control .custom-select
to trigger the custom styles.
The jQuery replacement for select boxes. Select2 gives you a customizable select box with support for searching,tagging,remote data sets,infinite scrolling,and many other highly used options.
Tagging can be used in multi-value select boxes. Try entering a value that isn't listed in the dropdown - you'll be able to add it as a new option!
A Bootstrap 4 / jQuery plugin to create input spinner elements for number input.
Add the relative form input group sizing classes .input-group-sm .input-group-lg
for additional sizes
A JavaScript component for choosing date ranges,dates and times.
A flat,simple,responsive and hackable Color-Picker. No dependencies,no jQuery.