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Projects +

Branding Rocket #56

To rebrand Rocket App, you need to develop a new logo for the layout that was provided, as well as all that is listed in the contract.Color plate is provided.

Mobile App #58

It is required to develop a mobile app that will meet all modern standards and be as user-friendly as possible. Also, don't forget about data protection.

Online Store #57

Develop an online store of electronic devices for the provided layout, as wll as develop a mobile version for it. The story must be installed on any popular CMS.

Landing Page #59

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. At recusandae aperiam voluptatem commodi aliquam omnis dolores qui? Temporibus distinctio consequuntur, atque sapiente accusantium officiis laborum ad alias incidunt necessitatibus dolorum.

Software update #60

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. A, quisquam! Eligendi iste, molestiae accusantium fugiat temporibus, eos iure recusandae illum quas veritatis perspiciatis culpa, nihil tenetur, eveniet atque numquam tempore!

Server gateway #61

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Excepturi nobis nesciunt molestiae at sit dicta laboriosam velit similique earum debitis fugiat impedit necessitatibus maiores, amet, minus aliquam, aperiam sint quam?

Online Store #57

Develop an online store of electronic devices for the provided layout, as wll as develop a mobile version for it. The story must be installed on any popular CMS.

Branding Rocket #56

To rebrand Rocket App, you need to develop a new logo for the layout that was provided, as well as all that is listed in the contract.Color plate is provided.

Mobile App #58

It is required to develop a mobile app that will meet all modern standards and be as user-friendly as possible. Also, don't forget about data protection.

Tasks +

Company App Redesign (2/5)Edit| Unpin from top
01 Create the new company logo in 3 different styles 20 75% MEDIUM User imageUser imageUser imageUser image
02 Main navigation u[date to include all the new pages inc...16 83% URGENT User imageUser imageUser imageUser imageUser image
03 Create 25 icons for the new mobile app 5 49% NOT URGENT User imageUser imageUser image
04 Remove the files for the new landing page to fit... 13 100% DONE User imageUser image
05 Upload the files for the new contact page to the de... 56 100% DONE User imageUser imageUser imageUser image
Random Design Tasks (11/28)Edit| Pin on top
01 We need a full set of banners for our new...5 12% NOT URGENT User imageUser imageUser imageUser imageUser image
02 Create a print banner for the new app1 17% URGENT User imageUser imageUser image
03 Create 25 icons for the new mobile app 5 49% MEDIUM User imageUser imageUser image
04 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. 13 100% DONE User imageUser image
05 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. . 56 100% DONE User imageUser imageUser imageUser image
06 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet51 12% NOT URGENT User imageUser imageUser imageUser imageUser image
07 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing dolor.31 17% URGENT User imageUser imageUser image
08 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing... 8 49% MEDIUM User imageUser imageUser image

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