
Panels are created with the .panelclass, and content inside the panel has a .panel-bodyclass:

A Basic Panel

Panel Heading

The .panel-headingclass adds a heading to the panel:

Panel Heading
Panel Content

Panel Footer

The .panel-footerclass adds a footer to the panel:

Panel Content

Panel Group

To group many panels together, wrap a <div>with class .panel-grouparound them.

Panel Content
Panel Content

Panels with Contextual Classes

To color the panel, use contextual classes (.panel-default, .panel-primary, .panel-success, .panel-info, .panel-warning, or .panel-danger):

Panel with panel-default class
Panel Content
Panel with panel-primary class
Panel Content
Panel with panel-success class
Panel Content
Panel with panel-info class
Panel Content
Panel with panel-warning class
Panel Content
Panel with panel-danger class
Panel Content