1. Bread
  2. Crumb

Welcome back, Recipe Contributor!

This is the text your users will see when you're logged in. You can of course change it to whatever you'd like using the Settings panel. It includes an optional token to display the logged in user's display name wherever you need to.

Keep it short and descriptive

Recommended size: 2000px by 600px or larger

OPTIONAL:If you have your recipe video on Youtube, Vimeo, or any of the other supported Embed sites, then you'll want to use the field above. Just paste in the URL (ex. or and it will show up as a popup by clicking the recipe image.

Keep it short and descriptive



Enter one ingredient per line. Use a double dash to start new section titles. (ex. --Section Title). Separate the ingredient amount from the ingredient name with double space if you want to follow Google's rich snippets formatting.

Add all of the cooking steps, one per line. You can use a double dash for section titles (ex. --Section Title). You can also use the [timer length=30]30 Minutes[/timer]shortcode to add a timer link.

Add any other notes like recipe source, cooking hints, etc. This section will show up under the cooking directions.

ex. 4 Servings, 3 Cups, 6 Bowls, etc.