Translation Plugin
Translate your text
If you want to translate your application in several languages, you can do it using a Jquery plugin.
Hi, my name is John
Buy now
Register for free
Save and publish
Create a new article
How to use translator plugin?
Translation here is easy. Just follow this steps to make your app translation ready:
- Add necessary script at the bottom of your page:
<script src="../assets/global/plugins/translator/jqueryTranslator.min.js"></script> <script src="../assets/global/js/pages/translation.js"></script>
- Add data-translate attribute with a value to each element you want to translate, like this for example:
<p data-translate="register-free">Register for free</p>
- Create a json file for each language you want to create. For example, for spanish translation, you will have a file named translate-es.json:
{ "name-john" : "Hola, me llamo John", "buy-now" : "Comprar ahorra", "register-free" : "Registrarse gratis", "save-publish" : "Guardar y publicar", "create-article" : "Crear un nuevo artículo" }
- If needed, you can edit translation function in admin/assets/global/js/pages/translation.js file. You can change for example your select input id or default language.