Include the Javascript file:

    <script src="js/canvasslider.js"></script>

Add a canvas element to your HTML code:

    <canvas id="mySlider" width=800  height=80 </canvas>

Add a small Javascript piece to your HTML code:

    var mySlider = new CanvasSlider({
       canvas: "mySlider",
       range: {min: 0, max: 80.4, count: 5},
       start: [40.6],
       snapToTicks: true,
       showLabels: true,
       showMajorTicks: true,
       showMinorTicks: false,
       showToolTip: true,
       showValueBox: false,
       format: {decimals: 0, prefix: "€ ", suffix: ""},
       handle: {shape: "ellipse", w: 20, h: 20, hue: 240},
       baseColor: {h: 207, s: 60, v: 100}


Configuration properties are used if a new instance of the slider is initiated. The canvas option is required, all other options are optional.
Set the width and height of the slider in the html code of the canvas if you do not want a default.
The slider is automatically scaled in the width and adjusts to the width of the canvas.
Depending on the options you choose, the preferred height of the canvas varies between 45px and 80px.

canvas Reference to a canvas element or id of a canvas element. Required.
range An array of values (floats) e.g. [1, 3, 9, 15, 18] or an object e.g. {min: 1, max: 100}.
If the object has a property count then an evenly spaced range of floats is generated between min and max.
If the object has a property step then a range of floats with spacing step is generated between min and max.
Default: [0,100].
start An array of floats for the initial values of the slider. The number of values determines the number of handles Default: [0,0].
snapToTicks Boolean (true or false) to either snap to tick values or to be positioned at any point along the slider Default: false.
showLabels Boolean (true or false) to show or hide number labels along the slider Default: true.
showMajorTicks Boolean (true or false) to show or hide major tick marks along the slider Default: true.
showMinorTicks Boolean (true or false) to show or hide minor tick marks along the slider Default: true. Only valid if showMajorTicks is true.
showToolTip Boolean (true or false) to show or hide tooltip(s) above the handle(s) Default: true.
showValueBox Boolean (true or false) to show or hide a valuebox for handle 0 and 1, left and right of the track. Default: false.
disabled Boolean (true or false) to disable/enable the slider Default: false.
format An object to set the format of numbers. Default: {decimals: 0, prefix: "", suffix: ""}.
handle An object with optional properties. Default: {shape: "rectangle", w: 20, h: 20, hue: auto} .
The property shape can have values "rectangle" and "ellipse".
The properties w and h define the width and height of the handle (px).
The property hue is the hue-component of the color of the handle. Values in the range [0,360].
baseColor An object to define the base color of the slider, e.g. {h: 207, s: 60, v: 100}.
The base color has the format of a HSV color with valid ranges h: [0,360], s: [0,100], v: [0,100].
This color is used to define the colors of the slider.
onChange Callback function when one of the values of the slider is changed. When user starts dragging a handle, values change very often.
An alternative is to use the onDragStart or onDragEnd events. Parameters passed: (index, value). Default: null.
onDragStart Callback function when a user starts dragging a handle. Parameters passed: (index, value). Default: null.
onDragEnd Callback function when the handle ends dragging after onDragStart. Parameters passed: (index, value). Default: null.
onMouseDown Callback function when the user has pressed the mouse button while on slider track or handle. No parameters. Default: null.
onMouseUp Callback function when the user has released the mouse button after onMouseDown. Parameters passed: (index, value). Default: null.


Methods can be used after a new instance of slider is initiated. E.g. var a = slider.getValue(2);

getValue(idx) Returns the current slider value of the handle with given index.
setValue(idx, value) Sets the slider value for the handle with given index. More sets at once possible.
E.g. slider.setValue(0,23)(1,44); Set value 23 for handle 0 and 44 for handle 1.
disabled = [true,false] Makes the slider disabled/enabled. E.g. slider.enabled = true;
onChange = [callback] Define callback function of the onChange event. Parameters passed: (index, value).
onDragStart = [callback] Define callback function of the onDragStart event. Parameters passed: (index, value).
onDragEnd = [callback] Define callback function of the onDragEnd event. Parameters passed: (index, value).
onMouseDown = [callback] Define callback function of the onMouseDown event. No parameters passed.
onMouseUp = [callback] Define callback function of the onMouseUp event. No parameters passed.
snapToTicks = [true,false] Handle either snap to tick values or to be positioned at any point along the slider.
showLabels = [true,false] Either show or hide number labels along the slider. E.g. slider.showLabels = true;
showMajorTicks = [true,false] Either show or hide major tick marks along the slider.
showMinorTicks = [true,false] Either show or hide minor tick marks along the slider. Only valid if showMajorTicks is true.
showToolTip = [true,false] Show or hide tooltip(s) above the handle(s).
showValueBox = [true,false] Show or hide valuebox for handle 0 and 1, left and right of the track.