Before CSS, web designers were limited to the layout and styling options of HTML. And if you surfed the Web in 1995, then you understand the emphasis on limited. HTML still forms the foundation of all pages on the World Wide Web, but it’s simply not a design tool. Sure, HTML provides basic formatting options for text, images, tables, and other web page elements, and patient, meticulous webmasters can make pages look pretty good using only HTML.
To create web pages made up of HTML and CSS, you need nothing more than a basic text editor like Notepad (Windows) or Text Edit (Mac). But after typing a few hundred lines of HTML and CSS, you may want to try a program better suited to working with web pages. This section lists some common programs; some of them are free, and some you have to buy.
more...To create web pages made up of HTML and CSS, you need nothing more than a basic text editor like Notepad (Windows) or Text Edit (Mac). But after typing a few hundred lines of HTML and CSS, you may want to try a program better suited to working with web pages. This section lists some of them are free, and some you have to buy.
more...To create web pages made up of HTML and CSS, you need nothing more than a basic text editor like Notepad (Windows) or Text Edit (Mac). But after typing a few hundred lines of HTML and CSS, you may want to try a program better suited to working with web pages. This section lists some of them are free, and some you have to buy.